Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth Star-Telegrami

Fort Worth, Texas

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API rta 41S(Ir 1 )1 1 (11-fri A Appemxt 274) Arpiosmro 274) crr-nr-r741--rrz-) (A rola nommt I Or 4 11 so et77)o I pr4 Fort Worth Star-Telegram Thursday August 21 11032 Evening Page 57 EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES Tr) CAMINO hat's' swap fnt troller to 11Lif tow cid bat' colt Mil littpltnn Hirt- 'IC A t'k I' tilf delibery osiviLa MA Woo no tome I V01111 811 bllt io07 1 11(KiU apt 114 t) 1' 1171)iIC LY 13 $H011 1114 $11I AV? 4414min Cyan rtlio0A1120 Ili( I bear I Wwiso buti Put flit p) ti kWh rivAto trv $5 AI Alia SA rA iolrott 1 of ornolhavrfi IT) MEM R'S 11P111 prn 1t4o4o Ars Ndi WESTERN HILLS HOTEL ditto to kit(1111 briir01k mU bath kuir diortt IA HAY td- alt Pow' and stab A t77 atd bort tot toot Ms IC floollott (Fatm Mghtirty 214) Nil PI I is IIrottitt Wier 11 011- 114 trirr 111011 111 11) ON) AU IA 2ti1 $113 3 With vritotilaha titt itt4 8 41AC-I apts rp I718 'tot 318 No rA-01011 tl't -108 1111 VI' H101 '4 Pille410t1 pti Oren 141 (loci maim of tow id! Iu 111j Stiithaticti At I Ilhtt Ittititti 4 ILit $1-frrrkr I itgit pEFIIIGERATORNHOME FREElq eawataimsmczetwommoaliC 7 I 113e MIL( III tE it 14 AP I' 4' 1 1 at 1611hr the bat ti awl nrito ohi f4 111130 NO Cct 8 47 p011 (-mberT 1 1 II WM 11111111atalke1 tl 4 rooms 'II IlrarlikailY hew i 111141 Of bloc 0ara A iiiiI lotto uo SA 110103 II II 4 town" pt ittir bus mot ivt41 IN) II A Cr 0-Ntoii orttryx 111 wits' Mar IlILLt 10P111Iiin1 )3 hool Cala tLi 15 14i4A4 1Iii OA apt vviotit rt bLLiIa IL hutetl At411 bOt Lake PA tWt I it I 1111 AIl 11011I PrIit IA(It4 ni1 strsh 0 fIS 1141 '11 quirt- l4 b11111S I PIIP '11 I tuol i'6411 li fflW CAII a iti vf 'Ref In I NPlp plat' 111M11111-1- Nice titan trkir IA A t4r I Ul mot II 0110 pti A 11 wince la41 AA N991 111111 AI I it Pt ftIrolitt No At ituolta4 h) m464 ptik it 11ti 11 40 11 74:0 what prik Alto Pro rot 414 bath 3'44 Ltilwyrilir IA Alit 11 I R10 Iltdroom 3 Itttl W101 Valit intn tlty orils ill! 19 IC pm Ate blot b11 N1111 Inn IA IL IOU SWING MILKER REDUCED Tao sliolly damare4 Delo-war battla Mliatil Keg 014 SO A rekt bargain at $69 88 WARDS FARM STORE you 041 VIVI' If PIM I ()RH( 1 PA VI 1')1( ALE ainthtir toed John Levert 7 vbrn krejer tD Fr hie of liandiing loo oothete Per 4r ot snow' corn (inhon iy to Itute 0 Ito 211 Tyler (Car trl) (1 LUH141ei'107 21 2 CU FT CAP CONCRETE MIXER koom Ariel liard At) -1001titliarukt) our salarr pius tinska sin? 1111 1ita aootati 110 im placo cars ler rldittran and e1 Heti(' 'IMMO work itelroneas and 'Ilan card triluirrd kiLi-111311 If no anis rr 1:11:4135 1111ortroud Wait ANI Eli tarwritired rint lc A idlla Ii Vervt1 VuyIr Lat414 A 1) taper lanced ahlrt tire Mr ligirtort Drip takoO 41eanorc grfrY chic arr at 14081 Diamond 1tt Mar l'Ett colotpd dihwattier AWAY II I It ntitiild ilia Milt L211A114 l'HCIPN( carhops and waitAPP'Y In person Lune Car rift!" In leo rrY XPLItIENE1) car idltoi anted IF ail A ITRACM a altiha Nod tr teop Ainlynianatri Ma Jlertr YXPERIEN(V1) car hiips wantrit 2110 itosefiCe LAtrar) M11)inlAUE1) ladY to Itra 110104 and Conk fur millaged toup1P boa trtr alarr 141 Potnrtitti I MIA( tivdraler Must 'ice referericic Old Planlis tim Cate 27A 14 ltn CAlilloic smiled AptiI Old riaota N'I 11) pertmcd 1f)211b9 LADY TAXICAB DRIVERS Wanted Annlv itt tirrion (An 1 1A14104 airs ADM In nfraura 211th '14'A1111' operater nantrdi werk claranlre tirautc Sakai 'V -52aa ITR F68 walittil hours 2 10 ni 11-day eye( AAo 1114 Sylvania APPLY hi Persen JaY'm (inottouri colnied ailatilin to Hie on place conititia and helical ork help alth 2 children WA-504 Pays labor and construction unix ythtif etklit Cuuciote ioeUx or 'nixing blades 15850 WARDS FARM STORE 2moll PIP Ftwitl oft I it 1 ()It borscpowrr jacurri Ettlyrn hortsontal stce tent ow 'Li Vilna: 8 800 canons ncr tmur at 4t1 t'unt118 Plessure Writ Mil Liam Indian CIes Texas GUAM FRESH FOODS AS NO OTHER REFRICERA TOR CAN! il 1 kl ffi 11 I Ill'-- 1 i''''d III Ic--- 1 1 1 IW I I i 1-14triPa 'IntIrp79141' 171kli'4-X' 2: :17 -71--- 111411c 1 1 7 I 1 4 'Ai-CA-2U) 1- 1 4114 -2 1 -iter i ki I i 1 4 I -4 1 dr Plai 1 c''i GUARDS if I- 11 c- 2 FRESH FOODS '1177---q 1 pr -re' AS NO OTHER I i REFRICERATOR 7-1: 1 ill': 1-4 CAN! mammowasmioratr '0 -r linort ni Anti New itinla hedm111 hi tornthtto the ler Ithist 4 11 4 04 Of toW1 oo141 prfrrrrl i) 11111th (14 11- 111ff rqrb 14414 I laroa fi-en04 11Det 3X39 No011 a 610 tt 3 11 an thopti114 eider m041 lilY 1101 I or Jr (ihm eq h1111K thfderti I(I I )14 11611010 KitConditioneci el and rettntorathe Aduhs oniv Wstrid (dna Monfre Ink Mem ittti AI hti hold is norm' (illicit ttlichA cl*tnnMwlaahiC X- hiN I -AI I In I( hd I 114 't(A) 67i-- pi wA 0141 4 In 01 it VA 1'07 r-lioh NI 1 (ri4-ohIm'enirid 4 Ir1fI1t 4 irtrit 11) 1111 GUARDS ') WOZEN FOODS AS NO OTHER tREIRIOERATOR CAC GUARDS AS NO OTHER FROZEN FOODS REIRNERATOR CAN! SINGLE GRAIN ELEVATOR Loads ta 1 buthels ear eorn per 111tn4te 111 mulled ste1 itopvet 0114 (Aim tt nmints ivattabl I 75 WARDS FARM STORE e1010 SVVENTII S()li OM ok Fort II TRACTOR CO Authorwd Sruison nrsier Soo std Uct1 tractors end imulument I t)1 WO-21171 HA kikLINO rnoutug pom nalps Litus 114111m LA SOSS LA -06111 PN-111 tol Ssthrk ChM) ut Wt Lath sitar- la la ri) mt Hit1111 1tliata i SI I 'Mt hits at vat hit AND wirk h111 infs) MI hiindsv Weak etrOM itt Is)11 I 'M S) pII sokitia 1011 MI eih A WA I till Of14 utslus moth sr sml IMotIA IA I 1141 )4111t htlyals Impi) pthat 4Ui blot US ibtrls VI I 41110 III 77 it 81n itit Pe rthi a A 0014 iAt arid h-mt1 IA A UPI in iNi I tit itrA II 10M 104:0 Iii C111 Willi 1111P Vt to b110 010 II Upults south Is itl tr fro A 2744 Pit iltIllie hie NIP 74 tilt 41114114 1408 Penitslt ants PA 0484 Nil hi mill No Itria iJ selt 1410 hmoPt 002 hi 11714 amity styls niea bill' hil ackd ad shifts hat Nil Call eat 110 weal 702 24th NOb 87 iNt rook01 11111 St- Lake PAAa24 I I in 4 "Ike akm: 1111 --monoma4 orr A 1'w) LAte 4 44 4 t441 (Pouliry iihbis 23) (Idnie And female 'kip 110 1 McDonald Hitchers Pre Cat to Better ploy Chicks lalo Penn WI-1115 NINU NECK FliraAanta for kale AU Call altrr 5 week days Prt 104017 HARVIR FLED At 1 akla heath VI9121 REVOLUTIONARY NEW 1952 wiiH COE Aul III Al PO notho0 Loonitot both 'blot A I coif tibiit li b-ruunt Apart-MIN OttGE Nit oh kl I IF 1(em Clark Nowlin Henry rbo elbstittrei wow or irir A -iiY71 Ut 4 iboniA-lo holm- bath Etibt 14rar ha awl stutrA 3 I Alb IK loot SY) In kw ate bath A odorl VA ISKo tioolT)t qtqt 01 Y- a 1otit* Ptivist bath pli11)110 iiid SO I A ttA1 1 boon Litipityt $YI ti: litAM itYtityr pr yebolbso salt aiI Ater poild $ING LA) 00'44 0733 ce4 WANTED general office Itorker roust be good tyhitt Well try and hopilly Co 162g Main (Mt firiP Pri: day dinner rook and night fry took White Cest le Care no01 tr Lam aster ROCKFELLER SYSTEM It too owning1 for qualified fry f*cka one girl and one boy I day I and night ahlft SALARY AND BONUS Apoli 1221 Lipscomb itAllY and fitartd Chicks ecott NterAhaU Witchery 1300 Rondals ED-33710 NO MOVING PARTS STAYS SILENT FOREVER WORLD'S MOST ADVANCED FREEZING SYSTEM (holm Cals Pols 24) (4porinsento I ornieltoN4 i) EXCLUSIVE FOR YOU! nralsTrnIrD PPitInteso 111 land frrnale 13 Itatil oA Y() 0829 AKC OPtniari shepherd pin's txeltnt peuisirce 113111 (luu MA 9562 I 2010i etit'W apott thrill tou'ul hi fit MON ti Oktok SU tn rift Lit IIII Itr tt 1 ONO Clork Nowlin Honry Pilo APAMII tiovitto tot le) 2 Itilit I A 010 I op Alt41A ito tit 114 Wt Is 1 )44 i Itt 311:1113 3 ionu4 ItLt 4 2 I 0011: 1 vitt prtiet rtiVott1 11 8 0 A limn l't 2147 NW 140 ti111r I rr 3 a Itt11 41E hut ntlipr1 Ht-11 otier A tt 2411 Atit rtil 111'1'1 I 71 Cooing -1a111 nat hivittti vele trh aka Adoita 7 1 NI II AY 1e 4 1 itttia AtitlIto little volt' VII lei I Affi II I --3or 1-t 147-tot Aled -S bliti 3 Itt1104ins 014 but MA 1114 ii It itivItrtl si11 Nrat I And I fuutInte1 Aril toll Villoitte lie (l trY '0161) Aill III IV 2 itotit sot PH vie titiviita outiplo itt tit of 3 lik A ti ohronhle ho'o hIii 1114 void bla I 1111 ft lit i etii it 1 Alt rdo Cool tirt )t II ii IIII II lilt 120 04 4 IhA tilt 'coo' It Nu 11 'IAN 11hr vc1 lull polINIMI I' 2 stirs in toot 11I Is Pi Iv Att htt Willi Paid it kIi rviitt I I A It At -opt 71 II tea1a11 ow vie Ii trto ail ff '11P NI int 1172-1-11 1111tiii Iolti Ihi etiltaitt I eutntoe rI IA I Altl 1411:1 ti I 1411'ItiL lilt itit* 3 It 4 loom ottl Ire iul 111 1r iimpth 111 I lilt 2100 Ittovi 01141 itIV tOrtirtll 111111P I it( tost otivtea NI atm loth 10 1 fl-IIl' lI Iowa vt Calawoll MA tttilit C5 3 t(lit )4 sot I err I MOO Palo- I Ler' Iroulde 111111 A1'I privoty I vitivei 262 30'14 Nit Votuun 104144 ivtuatta- for rett-t O-14e-ilretL11111nite1 arid fttpaititeil tion vietrit I ortitittie1 aitit lit tiled titat lUtiwkirtI tvIlli NMI tilt Hide All utiiiilot Intotenr1 etre or ell kir Nit tnit 3111 Jock enoro 111it NV JlI M2ifl LoI of Iltott erit ttit I If Ill nd Arlo Ave Ii 144 1--Apte ati3L-ritIrtem4 fr rent I iPitirn l'h I tO 10 loott -Amer: Irmo kitt hrii prIvt raraneo porch Who paid vittee wot Ii 114 Ilt)-1711 2910 II 't II A I El) Colts hide 4- vont thpitx I I i IIfi itg4 01111 rettt ititt: sql Itup11i(1 StEsli children thou''' rive 4 (II14 I' III USK Attrartivtilt I orItiviteit tat ivirl 2 eivitIttett women I'' rimed a et Hilo paid WI attoll tit olt I II -Hu I ol elect' tipies eviipie Vitt tomtit MA lOtit UNE I Alma ortuplild rooti tars 221 11111i11111 hull II 1114)r -11-111--- 4 rit1111 ettd ettoer satatilt dolt VI I1717 3- ft oil rfiltiot iv 11 lfilv If I let Itor dl Ir 1ett IJ Ilk 1 1-11-V aid to4 l( tilt setriuetistur III -Inch new tan lovely toott 3nt6 'N it-le 2 111111 I loon 17111 Vire little I site 11) 4212 tvit 'v I1 it I isvAlik titialtol bills WW1 SIM 1-1131 Al 07-14--171s so7711717ii 2 Args trAtolirri totil tit 'Vita bath entrant 2 11120i8 private 44th iteot Liner J011424242 3 Not A4 apt xymitith iFtleitioire 407 lpy 910) I totem 2 loving' aitulto 'JVO (ire VI 0214 111tol)Ntrt 3 toorr towns "Ili's poPt VitiO IIP-A111111 I Lefty' I vetm $IO week tiodroopt 27 WA 2112 ift 3 room apt adult Will 3240 Crillit WE vrtv lib illawir-aFila rp Aulfi! two litZY rooms private oil bus coupie (Houses ornoIlpfl 51) Oakhurst Will Allow Up To $100 DoINU 'any ith Sh pond 45 1101 20c each 3900 Wayside 1-6981 Guards fresh and frozen foods as no other refrigerator card tin romn thatIrk Julie AtIclirot built In trot lit ft fost hook 60411114 flIILl or bath A prh I I rldIIII paid lbS 4414 II I A 'Mtn 141IAIIK-3 lOITl 1747t1t hkot SI IL III rntr IA I I ARAI olnt ILA bear 400 i riCk I4 sir 1) IIIUS aid MA 4416 oilrr 0 3 44 bout Adults 708 ro hp IA I 4405 (Astrtion Sales 25) 5 NH piY furnished iteniset 375 up Assi( attfI 104 fur liklird rat pui 2 Un111 pref I'd 41P) WI! WI 4:10164 tiAltAIX ant V10 iissii Dr Jrf I 11(4 lift- 44 twilit 4100 runittli MI' 10 if No Moving Parts in PermoCold 'system to wear make i rnaLola system la wear PA-T1055 III? AUCTION NOUS TS buy all jilorts of furniture Auc tion everv ilelav tn WAITRESSES and SODA FOUNTAIN BOYS AND GIRLS We have severe openings tor et petteneed ait resses and soda Inun ism by and atria Ware s'al other Income above 1111 Working comillioni the best In Fort Worth Several oil Went obit's to led from Annie In Denton to Ken lowland in Riders at 6191 Cello Bowie Blvd or to ittlUY natcher tt MFR r't Kg fit I'D HOWARD JOHNSON'S RESTAURANT AUCTION Goes into acticka with a change of even one degree! a change of even one A Ul III 4 litreimt rum' 111010 It 10111 Wolonst until tv01011400 5 In 2 I A-i440 lt 1'4 01 71 07-17017 en el In Lin molit Mt! tr Int nilit1 2 tnnin and bath WI it ill vow' orn wo Ittg (molt: no c11101ten MA-11015 10m10111 FOR YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR AS TRADEIN THIS WEEK AND We'll Trade Today Dent District Makes Longer Trades Possible ItIRCFR Ft IINITURE AUCTIoN 1117 lc MAC Friday Night Aug 22 8 PM Bedroom suites ditnne room suites mattrebhes atid soribit Attires and refrigerators tables and chairs Many tiiiiots too numerous to mention Dealers rind general invited Flurit til PN Finch Owner Perma Cold Freezing System Guaranteed 10 Years! Twice as long as any other! ystem Guaranteed 10 any other! Out of High (Furniture Vio anted 2ti) 31111)1i4 it 1 home lo reAloonsItoll rriiti IAF Pimp I ap litimlitt 110 month Iii 401:1 aflr I ARE ukI I 7:7 piutilit I wee' rt1ttilt10 rown ED 501 joutlic Moth l'i5 MA- VA ciOKS and kitchen helpers anted Apply in person Salmis' Cut lee Shim Euless Texas "DRIVFItt4-4 OR ISTABITsliEb i SNING LAUNDRY RoUnS APPLY SUNSHINE LAUNDRY PIN BESSIE tris yissperlDinteirt ed VOW LAWNS trim beiltes WI-8312 Ei aids! after 4 tn weekdays IIAINTENANCE man tt heating cuoling and refriaeratton Also water pumps Call SU-0864 CritLEGE aradtiste 21 BSC Korean vet deires Job with bust resit unit or Milti travel it desired Wrii46an Murphy tattek dassi APPLIANCE CENTER 08 ltYl Slif (linut Cniurnishod 52) LOOK! 10D9C! Don't give furniture salty Sell it to 2 Brothers FA-19'2 WANT furniture Quick service Highest Prices paid Auction every Tuesday night A Auction House 1s07 Houston TA2955 Furniture 1119 Bo Main Highest prices for complets hortR er odd pieces TOP prices paid for good used fur ED-0658 SVP PAY top prices tor used turni tore or anything of VAIUP WA-9324 VA-1510 VA-1431 1500 SYLVANIA I ei ri boa VI a ce Adults Man tortermoi1 Mini room upstairs Ir a boA rk A 441 AIAK boom pill shower reirprome Ind a a teat 1 1rs -w ioe PAIIrM rtN't 4 room peI toliple Hilo pent A A444 i A itAt It apt in I Ate bath 11114 10: NIG Pork tit MA 4c27 3 iti 011 patt1101 1 roma shil1110100 zerd IA Itl IIIVA I IC 3 arid 4 room Apts aroloosed A to tt I 1111 I IMP 4- room ottl len I aras 1IT4 Paid II Pet PX Children I 1t kW SIP rtd Maw 1lII hgIili LA-Ire44 9101 Pio-tilt ITOMPP: IP 11017-and ants A ti Illa iitel aPts tt1Ui1114 with ball 31M0 Crescent hIl PV I 143 OA 1 P4 Itolt APT! Want a floe doer town home Ivan SPIVICC? V011 III be mood ra soot home at the Coates Nee the new au and room' lodes An Ideal borne tot those who ilea aloof eounies and he Pliorklit611 A IU Pt hoino-IIke atmosphere No It torpor tel lots problems SI I West 4th 416 MAY- I room south eV electric box close in bills paid WI) 2-bethown aps also I stt II air enorlitioned rooms POO end monttiii rates Cotonisil WA NI soon man to share air romiilinned riot IA-1500 I-Noom Hticlencl Phone LOA 321 Anielo Iii tentiroolt PP0350 3-100M bath It-coolect bins paid trog 11)AFil UromnslIde al fjd ohs" Ivo 2 I I 1114r omb P1)-14 NEW- 3-room apt PHA Neils 41 bpot fIt JsI shorn Ms his ea (T 3-rW4T1 upstairs apt new rlaidaire 3010 Aye 1 110606 Open MI 9 VI1906 1 Days A Week 831 NJ SYLVANIA F0-1600 Cash for Used Fur nituria Herring YARD York stinted SU-1411 'EXPERIENCED fry cook wants sob ED-3951 Furniture Co Bin 8 Main etie ftwoditioninv 271) ir Conditioning 2711 Mts piterwHte lip Sole :16) (4tbsirai inotruments 2H CAPABLE architectural draftsman uffice or suwervisiLk work 09 Star-Telegram YOUNG Clan desires wart time pm- Plovnieitt a to 1 I clays w0eitlY Co lisICLer nnything LO-3350 morn ings WANT 5 rooms of furniture Must be bargain Stles52 Highest prices for complete household furniture plumbing No burs rAio big or small ft Crouch Furniture Co 1114 Main F0-0951 FA-33 17 We HU" or Tride for Used Furniture Kemble Bros SEE 'I a ricorn I'r I fig! i Arrosorlic 1011111 piano boroto you buy 111 piano 14 Itch ihi mli ki alit and 111tikM ititut Aar rtIi thi trtinnor Vrry pas tTins (i mplov mem mots-fi(I emnie)20) WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE4000 CFM 1 li TRADEWIND 4 i r1 COOLER 9995 1 i --I '4: SANDERS MUSIC CO from bisb prtr4 2411 Berry V11-4511 BEST CASH PRICE Patti tnr your tiled (rand pin or upright PA41217 pliArT1rp PIANo11 CO NO op 'Irma Btzp-0 Piano CO 1514 Penusylviola ro coil TEXAS-9 URNITUER CO We Pal plenty good used furniture electrio refrigerators VFW chines stoves 604 8 Main ED-922A WILL buy all kinds of boUesT-Firi71: lure FA-9123 WANT $10000 worth of used furs nitur now Yours will help read rash larhare Furniture ED-7664 PLENTY CASH For bedroom suites baby beds chest of drawers table top ranges or anything of value Merger torniture Auction ever Frtitar night a IL tn 111 5 8 Main FA-9866 "ACI1001 DERR" tor us In schools turas rig chnoin and study ring In tha home bigea oho tiirootth tiva at Li each at our yard 0 Ilutchl son pip At Bonen Company Told North Main St Phone MA-11a4 Vurt WoilitLjesal ALL LAWN mowers hand alectrieal and 'windily motor ovs prieei to clear Arlington JIrhII Apoll sr to 4117 Camp bowie hied 31'11 150-0AIT7al IiirrANVa tanks ttif a(li with gauges xceilent iron dition VA-11172 Nlit IIIALVArat Sartain In plywood holm heavy timhers giliV311 ired Army heavy pane ploimbing totpones and ntirnermia other useful articles 210 Into hettlemnt iid ti) At1l'itA11 fiance lane for driva Parkin( iota driga-Ing Belford PPS52 cyprea water tang wood touonrtIon heammatne LA 062 NlN 24-inen ghlievin holm bicggla IAIK-4641 nights W1-201 other irsetul 210 hits eleitiemrit rid tir 6A At1l'HAL1 slitrice tahe for drive SAYS Parkin( Iota dries-ins etli- lieitiied PFSAI2 Lalt(rE yawl grater tank wood rouoilrilon lieesonsole LA iD62 N10 24-inrh Fl(lieviri Ivor bicycle Vik-4041 nights W1-2trall Oporimettle IritioottoWwti 4H) 't pl (A 4 1 i ii' i 'x'4 1 7 I 1:: ok-tl -4 3-4-- LOOK ATTHESE BARGAINS Story At nark A Che Orland Howard World $745 Klinbal Grand 1745 41 a aoO arlertino of Orsctics Diation trot 1 iS up 6147 Largo Cabinet 3" a 34" Mr IS OP Motor Oversize Blower Cools up to five rooms Blower and motor rubber mounted for quiet operation This cooler was made to sell for SIA but due to a lucky purchase we are able to offer this hish tirade cooler at this ridiculously low' price 3Itto351 duplex privat bath reentf Onto to averathipa leo D1114 paid 1011310 i5114 eilf)15 to duplex apt ti Milt' Dew Pr 4713 1 ti15711 Dew brit it 3 04014 privato etityRnt 44 witst pl oiravP wrkI r00104 105 plorit0 Mown by app010t0itt attr 5 tn 3440 in l'oly 10-43a0 LO DFPENDARLF child cart fenced ward transportation Pots LA-5011 EXPEUIENCED tYPIst needs dicta-Phone reception work home OnIsk part time temporary or permanent WE 454 NEAT colored girl ants day work ED OW IRONING in my home ED-1754 WILL DO sewing in my borne no alterations 2828 Frazier DAY Fenced play Yard Kindrryarien activities LA-0574 CHILD CARE MY home An Ht Tlanportation furnished 8U-1462 COLORED girl wants day work FIE 4150 -e0LORED woman wants baby sitting Job day or night ED-I543 WILL KEEP childreu In my home VI1136 41111D care reasonable hot lunch frnred yard TV L07235 CtiILD care up to 2 years licensed borne SU-5138 PRACTICAL nurse wante nursing In home or hospital 1A-0098 ealint VN bedroom du hit a 3 trirn WeL4 Uf Pitou vilut eiiter anti 0 tia 12 4 Btokati awl bath $AO a 'militia A airir weetctela Aid It hi- Vet -A- room iotA ation a1 iiits boa 419 War Hu ill II mita 3714 Jacire 1111 ilf)Ftie ofoci fmtittlutt month WI4217 4116 purpwrirAiti( 5Ito $100 N11t keep yard tele 11Ne -Vv HI Ito Ord tool lion Awmry I 011iF 111(0)M Nw 4-hohlit ththitavot air itic Itketatott atotrt a sid Car Sur Whiter! 10'701 Intitith 411111 I LI thrtt Co MA a 111 y51S 3 bUt161- l'itAA0 tan awl a atr Dior 140 month 3110 20th ht 1110Al 177777Tttslikiied or par 11 PS11('1 ter411inarn()! Trro man A411(101 Ifi 413 slid bath 646 month VA 'Pori tinny l'arnacn NU-8731 CFI it 11m nth A ve ff I I NT 4 1 reorn re built 111'4 niw JI room venetian bitiala 3 Dalford pr yA 6742 I AO 1d3 t40-4404 FREE RENTAL SERVICE PINER POWELL 107226 (AUL 114 iiihTLITTA ronitia break fa1 nook bath (lilted cif' fib topra attic tan ANL 11111 --1015 Larkland Road 4 mIns with stove slid retrIactator If16 tnohth MOUTH HOW -1-toom bowie $76 pit ItOoMPi ittot bath wilt take chit POLY Price II-rtorn I doIbla Ia 112-313" JIIIIIlLEA b-roulu 466 )01tnLAgn( t) 544 4154 FRAM It I1-U'arIv ncw 2- iidroom triune voniiiin PISA tar heat rib month WE-1112 Fowirn-niiZ 2 bal)ot larva den 4204 Bachman VA -C1162 UNP(JRNIPIIIIM) hotly I blora nmr Cupoloildfted Prefer work tpf rouple 3-11k-IIIIAAM 1)UPIAJC tile hal ti awl" ltdc11 Oho Household 27) TYSON-WICKMAN Co IIIROCKMORION 1 A-WI CASH hir-1752 CI-PlAN 3 room Frigidaire f's ail dr" priviLe bell briales2 Nu emu COrri comfortable anti 2'--IM i a room cda bus Dm child accepted No wig NEM( sehuul 2 live hie l000di tiaiti 2'y beds krisitlaire ED 10S5 COMMWOO Photo hoppthe 3619 1111: drPn at 'lord bills peut 11111 50 Wit BUY Fru AND EXCISANGP VI It BUY 115u AND EXCHANGP CARRY MAIL ORDERS PILLED Ha Phone Calls Please IACROSS STREET FROM (OURTHOUSE) Ins COMMERCE -ILL'S 80 LP COMMERC: DirsctlY CID MILLI MASON HAMLIN "VIP li(11(1111 FINEST PIANO" bold In Port worth onir TYSON-WICKMAN CO 810 THROCKMORTON Kat 11611 exceliZt All Malts ell Dr ND0069 -GIBSON AND MARTIN 0 IfIT4R8 Cwin Music Co 310 Maid ht WARTMENt up It14t or buy tor as little as 111 Monthly Xr Plum Co 1514 Pminsylvatilc Onici DIJI141(-1 moms 2424 14144241(lo Dr 1414 NO- I orlitate 2424 Sic 1jjj 4 maid IAN719 n1P-05 2FE FORIUNI AK(14 Al) '42) (114(12 I( 41110N 42 2)NIVE1(14121 4r21 firt424 244 area (bye! 1-1drorgan dur1104 CA 1)wiy ranc4 rt(144(4 toe Wind 11 fanirts vary IL traDvs 1015 P0-4441 14IDK-41uent rot1414 2212 l(r bedromn Icitrhen bath rettirtstur Danithed Ulm vald Hri thIllton Pfilkitlittif APAI(11'44VIA Camp HoEs end Ilrliv4r4itv OnstgAro om sots 480 al 145144 trigetator lint awl utlittles 1 ahlypnIng NUM 10 Minutei trorn town P4-11Y1 0 iveltork Feeds Postures 2 I trir Geo 11 27 A (Air Conditioning USED rptrimator rint condi MA-w511 atter 0 IL geinrts Highest prices hgoi Sta tredit teDI fig PIN ritt01 11WPT RI frill AND MAIN ED1445 khit: 11-mm Hanger movie era prevent 3 "into: radiant lostO Wl2l Plash Cameras Pilule-144y Developing gervire jack Coliler Pros rj 7tb So Maio ED-S141 pRICKM PAID for WWI CIIMPFIS Mr better twain Other photo supplies The Camera Shop FA5237 701I BI Fort Worth BUY your furniture at Veteran' Furniture Company at half price 214 Magnolia Phene F0-6420 10-PIECE living room group COM plete with lartMe picture and chair 8-piece bedroom suite with mattress IlOrIORYI and pictures 5-piece oak dinette set In beautiful finish A total of 21 pieces at one low price 1299 Farr terms Phoenix Furniture Co 5th tt Ihrockmorton FA-I381 WOK! 1001(1 Big bargain sale A opportunity to save on anything in the way of furniture and gpoillOCPS for your home- We have fine poster mahosany bedroom suites- and other fine sultea Duncan Phyla dining room suites apartment stoves table too cloves electric boxes washing machines line 9x12 roils coffee tables end tables etc See two Brothers and save 202-204 210 Magnolia Phone FA-1933 or F0-8420 HOSPITAL BEDS Wheel chair and sewing machines rented Phil Griffin Furniture Co FA-170) BEE Mra Cannon for bargains in used furniture and unclaimed freight Can save you 80'e on new furniture 2t313 Thomas lig VA-1484 Sewing Iiuhinp CHICKERING America's 010et Plano Name" In Fort Worth TYSONMICKMAN Co 610 T1MOCKMORTON AIU-(UMJ I IONI'S Refrigerated type over 200 In erste' 5-year guarantee have as much as 1200 Including beet known niaksw York Philtoi Mitchell $198 WI4912 EVAPORATIVE coolers window models tenured to S24 95 up Too mounting trailer models regular 180 now 15250 The Comfort Marts 1830 Lancaster ED-7017 LEAThri0 brands refrigerated air Conditioners at low prices tir us before you bug The WPIttrn Co 902 PennsgIvaing F0-0341 YOUR beating and Job Is my runtime rob not a sideline BOB WOODS 4312 Wichita LA-7771 REDUCED (Antique or Sole 29) 8INOER aiming machines for rent4 immediate delivers All makes repaired KIIIMan 8ewing Machine Co 1372 North Main 15911SINU MACHINES for rent EN the cabinet and portables: 15 a month While sewing machine deHtribling' h0-2461 A I 8 rental 15 month Prompt delivery machine electrified 11975 Pot' Stewing Machine Shop LA-2400 ADDLE bridle and blanket for Juniors pert Davenport WE4611 Nights It'1-29611 HORSES---Room and boarded or broke Trained to race or rope Have pasture for cows Call Woodrow Warren Oianevine Texas We BUY dead stock Call collect tort Worth Rendering Co MA-331I 300 PUREBRED Angora goats WI8389 11EGISTERED A ngus bull calves weaning age Sunbeam Breeding S200 each WE-I384 WE BUY dead mock Call collect 11A1191 Minton Rendering Co 2-00 HolATEIN COWS and heifers for sale at all times weight 1200 to 1800 pounds Sew replacements arriving Hweekly Phone 352R55 a ogg eg Son Mansfield Texaf 25 GOOD quality whiteface calves auProximately 200 pounds $42 50 each May be seen at 2512 Ellis Ave Bill Miles or call CE7-3127 SHEEP and 4 lembs Stock Yards ted Store MA-0108 gptrfgis 31L) antique china closet tor RCP LA-1473 ro It mitstanding MAW PA-0515 Schne Idei 3410 Ca luD Bowie 12 ()AWE Pump shotgun RemiLiton VA 11174 YI Oakwood 3-1tOriM apt window ennt rr labia paid 1107 325 Chandler V1-144e RIVARdinit rooms bath redern- rated ataildrets VI-2045 lea 4-rosin stoutnirot umitalra 2 blocks from everything 147 44 Pittman VA 2114t 3 LAitilit MOMS abate bath Avail able Aueust 2211 Accept I or 3 small chldrrn Can tot atiOna alter 3P Nick 3-room dopeeept VVA1275 5151c1P-NCY aparimetit "Arm utilities paid 143 W11186 allir 5 tn NORTH tilfrelliirie room extra We couple Only Ma Clinton Radio A I eleitision 17C) (44sor otionrout 4 evil roll 31) 28 IA 11EMP1111-1-Attritetiv77uon'iiabil empicisdi 210MJM furnished apt Ali bills Vint Lancaster In Mtadoo brook el P1-15di -tOOM furniahed Maint1151 11101i 91 ro-240Lt9-24 2iloom Rut vat bat iseiipt baby WA54i FAT titans niiplow 4 rtiolttil 3 hlt OMNI karmic 175 rAl Croom pIe rm n)111( MAL imam 1V0 A-277V I 51171i -HITE 2 ronm apt tuiploTid lath bills Paid JA-5i10 Ni(4-onrev a pc-iir-i)-1 a (11171vs mils paid 112 60 week W-2 nit Si3O-1101TH tilLit 3 Forma liellia water paid Hemphill hut acteot irif ant WI-10117 HOW toniAllitt 3 rooms and bath in 50 per week bilis paid riattric box alt-conditioned riAltAriP APT Will 2 eept I ehlid 115 Mils pail VA-Obita after 4 or oil day Pundit )p*rnst garage Pt Masa and PrisiONita OS May 1011( -33i) Woodrow' 3-ro4)m apt: allin 2-room apt ItItett and cool near bus kr)-3729 411 C01130Y 2-hrtiroom hriiiabed apt bath newly drrorat-ed pie rm drULinL ho biiis r'-1152 HMALL or I men Wiens maid arrvire PA3224 1113 Lake I 3 ANL) lroom mots riartrlo hnses 122 Hattie a it eth Asa ftO'IAMY APIS air -coriritiloord possidi 71h and Fhimmit Apt tha AA CitAKLYNNIL brirk apts 3510 Itni 3 rthwng niceitt VtunItied till bath venetian blinds' coovenietst ahoppins marr and hut WE RENT II-ROOM brick 2244 Mimtleto 1111d tOttAf tore4 Pki JiIvd 1135 'I icy tvirtiraY4Ir 1A1343 171rirTi I tyr NI 6 room ronnts0A! iiicw a bedroma hotahe In Itichiand Pkrk VI 1014 WANT TO desk este Nang caninet A3II4 -isANT to buy a Cif 114doW OWN' WE 1550 WEBE 1111theit Cash Prices for or Loan Money on Eharnonds Watches Jewelry Luggage (tuna etc Weber's 1301 Main ED-9433 0111 AllE 2200 MA scat Ism OFFICE FURNITURE Buv sell now f4fi05 cash While they last rent repair and rlinisit E8liE4 ANT) MAGIC Alit5 squirrel Dial Its Co 1113 JnJIIIII i ot rage blowers all sizes north of Post Witte FA-8255 PUMPS pads and service iktr bUY and self! new Inn used of (let Our Prices Before You BIM tics furniture safes ho*ra-Mee GULF NTATFlt MUMMY CO Oulro Co 1309-A ItouNtnn 1805 Last Lancaster P0-4079 Til'IEwialrju75--t Tent: tr" MAOIC-AlitE and utilitY all alive delivery TynrwrIlsy PTO' Co corner tubing mats motors 5til ThrockmortOn Pumta blowers attic and exhatist BUY oeli rent repair and trfinists fam Save with uv Om- office furniture Berry At Nremith eral Surnlue Co 1210 Houston 2sot Whitt Hettlement Hd r() The house of a million Hems I410 Houston MA-722e MA-11149 BROWN Typewriter Lschanse sales land repairs We rent typewritrre arlmlestElEmowlaemen 11 b0 month 1216 Houston Lb-164 tOnnik hear Deli AirT riot Sni Lo 0414 V20 EMT 13T 2 bedrooms big Yard cYclong tenetd Verant Pet month FA4104 WA-54111 gr4vaf 9taPtUt HALLINIArTER Model 840H and VIIA 152A converter Also tape recorder WI-2155 croup used taple model COMbinittion 12995 up See Art Anderson The Crump Co ED-I343 TOOD tned televislon seta $4950 See Mr The Crump Ce 300 Main FI1)-1343 ALUMINUM and ateel tubina alao antennas ready to Install Oeneral kbirulua CO 1310 liouston MA7224 10'2 INCH Bendis table model teitvision perfect condition Oood for children's room or den aim FO508 alter 4 Shuradays PHILCO table combtnation radioreeord Mayer $27 50 VA-3333 HAM8---Purpl1 a radios and parts Special on oil-filled condenael a We pay cash for your electronic surplus Willem Radio CO 709 Main et Hospitel Beds Chairs Babe Betio EmniE BIOS PHONE EA-Riti7 EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURL Homer O'Neal Furniture Co 119 South Jennings ED-5419 New Furniture Direct from factory Double dresser night stand and bed walnUti regular 812950 Our price 895 IRO coil innerspring mattr 44 ee regular 829 50 our price 819 95 5-piece chrome and plastic dinette 849 95 2-piece Modern living room suite regular 8119 50 our Price 18950 Oas ranges full size 899 512 Bunk beds complete with springs and innerspring mattresses regular $11950 our price pair ECU Terms DO to 2 years to pay Price Furniture 2120 28th St (Rooms tor re-ON ER'S elari fI14a te-Druy IT turps 3D Air Conditioner Motors Be a Cafe or Tavern Owner SMALL ootils PSYMENT On NO DOViN PATMENT ZPV) Plate refrireration entlinmenk booth stools Chi LINN table kWh en enuloment la 114 Built Fixtures Make YOUt own terms fig) (Air Conditioning Zero Nee Sales Co BARGAINS In Used Furniture Living room suites SIO to 125 table top stoves 620 on flood Binger treadle sewine machines 640 Free parking lot Hoover Furniture Co 406 Central MA-7206 MAPLE divan and chair 120 SU-7506 AT AUCTION ANNUAL FAIL DAIRY HEIFER SALE v111111'71! Dairy Farm Santa Anna Texas Monday Aug 25 12:30 PM Sale under cover on Williams farm southeast edge city limits Banta Anna Texas 210 HIGH QUALITY DAIRY COWS AND HEIFIERS Constal mg of 100 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS FIRST fresh balance heavy springers heifers Wetalling Up to 1300 pounds Every heifer I top BP HOLSTEIN COWS UGH quality I reab and heavy springers Cows weighing up to 1 500 pounds and roilking UP to 15 pounds se JERSEY COWS THAT are that will milk 4 to it gallons Fresh and springers 20 AVRESIIIRE COWS SUBJECT to resister The best group of Ayreshire cows ever sold to this mection All fresh or heavy anringera smooth tat first to third calf Cows that will mill( UP to So pounds This is one of the top herds that has ever a cow Over second or third tilt rt you want the best attend this sale APPLE ILLIAMS OWNER -110Pn0n8 80 Banta Anna Toxic COL GEORGE APPLE Allet1011P01 lelephone 1254o McKinney Texas IMIIILILISI SIZES available for renlanement all cooler unit rangeg from 140 to 112 PRICER RANGE I ROM $895 to $1995 1501 NT PlIONV10-1004 NKW OR USFD rnaticP1 fixtures 6andexe Rettiseratioa 1600 11000100 adums Fort Worths Moat downtnwn loan-morass Fontaine our teioviylop job bY Nun and rug aroutta airtorlditiontidg FIRST AND BURNET STS Tn Pleautifol Fide les Port Worth finest 2 end 2-berltt40111 garden opts ranges refrigers atom dieposals Venetian blinds Oita closet fenced woe sant car port witti storage bin laohdry lachitiew Exclusive neighborhood 112 up Open: Sunday afternoon In until I in week dam tit19210 3901 Westriehre Ave 2-filfDitoolst APT tile hat Lite 27074 liar MA-13sti 44100M garage 3422 gin Ht PL5143 SOUTH till)E- pool's extra Pkg WA-5122 w-Roa Hite 4-roorn nein Sit MA-4544 NO-3i27 lig rear! IPA month 2329 lith Ws 320) private bath and ens tranr bifil paid Adults 919 Travis rolimor riToom apt private bath on 2 boo lines close in PA1919 2 WO 2toorn sots private bathe well hoisted On 1 'hoe lines elute in UM each PA-leps GAItAtiE apt insulated tile dou hie eink floor furpace IOU 32144 )12201 TbVtfr-larvis gates apt etove and refrigerator restricted brick reeldntisil section block ooopping center $SA phis bills couple 201 Browning Court VA-5874 V11370 -71) vrrEnANe Transfer Co Wei and ions dwanee niovins- PO-8420 TWO filtoTilEitit Company loal and Ions distance inns Call us and ease money PATUANSFEitt local anti Ion( distance toosins Low rates New sans Insured bonded warebOustt 4005 It Belknap VA-2418 MOVING? I trunk I retriserator or bolo fun Gibson WA-8459 FOR larrrn MOVING call FA' 2180 with this best rates In towns 101)1IY 0 HOUSP: coast to coast AAA Moving As Dotage enoo38 J(fltuH)M "Kin' of the Moyers gives 134111 Green Wimps on local moving and storage Sol Vickers PAb201 ill' ORIGINAL A-ONV MOVERS AND PCIONADIE Local end Ions dietatice InoVint Connectint point to 48 seta Lt) nitt7 WA0917! WE MOVE retriserators toses piano Neeir's Transfer 10-2129 LOCAL and tons distance Moving 4 rooms ma as 915 VA-1872 LONO DISTANCE Bradford Van Storage Co 224 I Vickery PA4101 ONE-STOP SERVICE on All Your Cooler Needs OW I ield liquipmena Stipp lie 34) a MOTORS Co to F07453 LOVELY 6-room iitcPr ducore7-1 bodrootria It conditioned 4 adults 641411 USED furniture closer out Electric retrigerstor 12e SO Washing machine tr'S 5 piece oak dinette Ca Living room suite 53950 Price Furniture 170 r4 viol st WE RENI BEDS bospitai bode wheel chairs wasners EA9s13 RCA RADIO 535 bed springs mot treos $15 E0-2901 Use Cipssitied FA-4131 161 a iL1 11 4341w FOR SALE-3 drum drill-in en- out machine Work Nowt down to 1600 feet Mounted on international trurk 7" la 6" tonic A wheel drho tool and seater trin'S All awl tool house mounted on tandem sibees Everrthina sood shape Call Jact Chirlda213AftOftiLL Texaa FOR 8A111--1 Model 3-drum Port Worth spudder with good 4 and line mounted on rubber tool from 13v" to 0" Read to an- call Ciaridc Shona 688ft Olnet TRINITY HOTEL Under new management Hot and gold running water telephones and Tana in every room Kate Id per week Ind Up No obJections to sh*t ricer) 1S03 1ID 1'0-119 CLOSIC maid NP tv Ice air-cooled 18 50 week3091exasJA-040 FRONT bedroom brick Private ntrance rientleirian 1024074 111kitit one or 3 men Witliel after a in 14011111 bedroom" gen tlernen privaie entrance w12473 WEEKLY risteor ceiling Tana Antler Hotel Mill MA111 FA-070d HIM Ith air condt tinned bits lik5040 Ab-L 2118 Working alrl share borne with working aidow 11E-11274 ATTICA A Clean Place to Ltv IS12-0741 HOOK nice home kitchen prisileges options) for Itnesslady 1A-1243 LATiTiE otol liedrcom sin-dove private entrant' and porch on bug near cafe LA-3131 College Private home OitbusLcientlernan WI-ATTrt ISUKNIET ARMS HOTEL air-conditioned private shbaer phone ever' rown PA-8315 (liter' LYMAN Mrs MOM near buy and cafes 064 Pennsylvania A sW rAq35o 1A1Nial with room brick borne new turnit111 MELBA Hotel 1102 Houston rates elevator tooniphones 121427 1 NICK tool bedroom tor 2 oleo private IN22250 LATtrial bedroom private borne lE 1 entrance adWhine! bath near bus LA-1724 2 31litN1811Y13 bedrooms to rouplei or working girls kiti hen privilege' MA-1172A 2103 Clinton Ave 2005 liEMPITILL Room in lovely tick borne VA1411 LA-00111 14i-fano Ho te 029 Mq11100 IED-0318 ItKPLACEMFAIT MOTOR FOft ANY MAKE COOLLHA $595 Up I trark Goa Appgenros 27A BIG ECONOMY EVAPORATIVE COOLER On and rI 11111t gi ic switch Hu- i i 'Tilt trnroll 1 tIA dj Lot 2: 11 egorirlliNiroinecctiro lit 111 It 11 'illnjdotstt617ri-hiln' s1 III Flel Win ist ng 4 A flange $2495 BECKETT ALL-BRASS WATER PUMPS (kloorellortrotat Hai hinery (Hoc Properiy (Rent I impeel 53) 81295 Will remodel Magnolia corner Aiktnii brit to er feet TaYlut MBrayer FA3)e) 210 WLATIlEttrwar 4-room pazimen6 btos iid COCttiC bOl 161)E1ftr-Fispl bath privat4 en trance worelhg couple $841 trionth pant lea Hemphill 1AC(46 2 rooms front ntranee aoreeeo adulta billa paid OS ()rear rtir)cu Apt: buo employed cools or oervire men 21(1 2 HOOMft private bath Working Cer1147 OW? WI 007 IttSAf apartment 'arse rooms twin ioqta all Private bills intal PO-4274 2 IWOM3 $40 Willi paid 604 kw Apt WA-2127 Oqiirt aRoOS1 AFL bath Couple Sill 3(L24 Mt Vernon IA)-4144 AIM PPS Calmont nets brick triples large Sroom apartrnnt new hrniture throughout including Yricific re with freezing rompart tnet dish washer Mimosa' roil-easy beet and other comparable lea tures couple otny no pets I yar minimum WO month FI-litaa ott-T3o1 APT 110TEL Partlaiiv turnIAhd 3 hofiroom ant torelient romittita 2410 Peanut Kam 101166 LARGE SELECTION OF USED REFRIGERATORS ALL SIZES AND MODELL FROM 616 TO Sios Also used automatic washers used table top ranges and Date selection of wringer washers This is trade-In merchandise In working conditlon and guaranteed University Home Furnishings 2612 Berry et WI-2212 108 COMMERCE COLONIAL APT IS minutes from town master teem ISs20 bath dinette kitchenh range refriverator Raritan 155: wnrkina r0-2835 SIIS CAMPO 2 bed rooms 2 baths ED7575 SION'IICE110 brick duplex 4 Toorna alto tarayes flit Ornate 3602 601 St bt11761 MOUTH MIliff-2 and 3rooln ants billspaid WPI-Sslo MKAIMIAMYItY APIS I and 2-be1rooin apartments aaraall utilitiYa "Lova and laundre facl*tties furnished fa*g and 1101: air condi tionlno avalialfle PIC-7334 6016 Porshina An IS LUCERNE APT HOTEL Partially lionolioiA 2 brdrnoin ant IsIxcellent condition Illo renntal vania F0-71013 NEW and reconditioned laundry dr cleantie machinere ges-tipated dri era hock extractors tor Iitahateriaa hot-w atq hsterii PitE NICHE CHE CO PM Tilitot KWOKTON I 4 -AM Sidney lathe tterringrhnne grare4 tad Timken hearlhe ma chine with 10 hownower motor Chuck cid taper attachment (i)n4 condition Noxell Machine Products Co J42I 'N Sylvania liatrIVT6-11- Invader motor ohs butane natural aas or gaeolinei atroke 5'1" bore 225 14p at 10100 This I I new motor and would be excellent tor irriaa purpoites Only 1125r4 0 l'Ipe and Equipment Co 29 Priclae SI Wichita his Texas Phone 24095 DAIRY CATTLE Jersey COWL fresh and hetet eyringeral Borne of the best cows in arrant County i plentt Holstein vows 1s1 and 2na gall heifers evert Cow is sold under a guarantee Cowl located 2 Collett west of ElPnbrook tilll Hogan NO-5414 nient MA-Ifai0 OHNSON grass hat for- sale MAl'OR SALE-2 000 bushels Mustang Keed nate tested 28 ill per cent pure ge germination welant ati pounds Oats haye been cleaned since tested 71 75 nPr bushel Williams ED-4449 risk 10linf your grass by fire We have best sprayer on Wheels for the money Heady 11 go At Franklin Serum CO 2125 Main MA-latat aale Cioed heavy clean oats NO-11130 Rephietinent Blades for a evaporative root Cr size 12" to It priced from $295 fo $995 derma 'Rivet From emorthousc (Between Beatherferd and Belknap) NEW 110E24 Sylvania and Ilartififf 110 VA1S49 V1-9344 STONE HUILIJINU It'efl' tor lease downtown location 115 Houston: Ideal for retail store Hai bal curly tontivot Mr Carter 113 Houston F0-8151 Near Leonard's 408 Weatherford St Storeroom in clan ghat" IWO cement floor 3 sets yumnina sYlor dlr Mr Bruer TA-3363 Use Classified FA-4131 CW KECO4D1TIONED ILFRIGESIATOIL SALE OR TRADE PAT CROW tit Houston FA12a1 212 South Main ED-1286 Open tveninits Till WFSVAINIZIMIN RE Ant Amid NICP bodroqms 13M17 alosa in: la anti 17 PA-11laj commrHrIAL Hon! OS ceiling Lula wecely gates t0-1s26 Use Classified FA-4131 1 1 -erni.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.