Evening Courier from Camden, New Jersey (2024)

riake- ft r.mdii'B 4 A 'I: GOURIER: posTSCfflFij I Vour Best New Paper. EIGHT EIGHT PAGES. CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, EEBKUARY 17, 1900. ONE CENT I Nauuwpoort is at the Junction jof the. I railroad running norjji to the Free State fOF STEEL ST WAY CUT OF THE KENTUCKY DILEMMA "OF: TRUST DEBATE IN JHE HOUSE Tammany's Sulzer's Mlstatements Correct- ed by Mr.

Grosvenor. Washington, Feb. House met at noon. The Speaker, announced the SENATOR CLARK ON" WITNESS Chief Justice Tells of Effort to Influence In Disbarment Case. Washington.

Fh 7 fhto ann west to Lie Aar. uenerai itODerts base of supplies. The capture of the place by the Boers might radically alter Roberts' plans. The strength of General Clements' (orce is not known, but the Boers opposing hmi are said to number 4,000, which force, lt is further stated. 01 SHERIFF AFTER GEN.

CRONJE Kelly-Kenny Captures Large Amount of Boer Supplies. greatly outnumbers the British. Brantley, of Montana, was the first witness In the Clark case. He said some iVI? ciark case- He 8ald som chairman of the Committee on Ratlwavi and Canals mrt "me the latter part of October, Enthusiasm at Cape Town. London, Feb.

17. Cape Town dispatches describe the enthusiasm with which news of the relief of Kimberiey wan renpivpd 1 there. (Crowds formed of Checkering (jj Y) ey; Dr- Martin, president of College Saturday afternoon i.V, 25 Montana, at Deer Lodge, came to his apart to hear euintf 8et Brantley's), office and handed him a rePetluve Bland g(M0 wh'Ch hValtt he 'Martin had a-' issrs or i Mrw HE OVERTAKES CRONJE'S REAR chLringa7ohreRobertsUnd i I JLong Expected Papers in ths Abbatto Case Arrive. MADE RETURNABLE MARCH The Writ Was Not Made Absolute-law-yerCranda Thinks Abbatto Will Not Hang-Other Coujt News. 1 Plan Obtained by the Democratic Steering Frankfort, Feb.

7. The plan outlined by the democratic steering committee is for. the Democratic Legislators to return to Frankfort, and at once reaffirm in the" regular way their former act declaring Goebel and Beckham elected Governor and Lieutenant Governor respectivelyr For the sake of harmony, Republican Lieutenant Governor Marshall" will be recognized as presiding officer'-of the Senate until the reaffirmation iff carried. Then, it is thought, that Marshall will make no urtheronove to act as Lieutenant Governor. Leading Pernocrats say the Legislature in" regular session can by proper -action legalize' every step taken by Goebel And i Beckham, while each claimed to have served as Governor There is.

no doubt about the right of the Assembly to oust Taylor and Marshall by a majority lit a separate Session of the House and Senate, each adoptingjthe same proper resolution. If Taylor had not been Governor since February, 1st, -'he ha wasted much of i it In an Apple, and Then Swallowed It 3YS WILL HAVE TO "BE USED the Victim of a Prank-His Own Carelessness Cost Him His Life-Physicians EndesVinil Locate the foreign Matter. I singing patriotic songs. A lie nuuae uu-I cupied by Roberts here and' the resi-; dence of Governor Sir Alfred Milner I without man weiicome Boers Had to Stop to Save Their Trans-- ports and a Battle is Impending-Boers Attaok Molteno This Morning, short mlilX'- 1 to "Continuing his testimony.1 the 'Chief short speech against the gold standarn Justice explained: stopped reading were visited and cheered wildly. Similar demonstrations took place in front of the house of the popular Cape Ministers, while those of the unpopular ones with Boer leanings were greeted with groans.

Cheering and Disquieting News. London, Feb. 17. Gen." Roberts' dis doing Irreparable ininrv tn tha tniun nmhi. k.

And. workers of theJand-If thJk.ttor- control theLactlon of the couri-. umi I ney ueneral would enforce the law now I would not if I could The ease would I ii siatute books they could be con- have to be tried on its merits." trolled, but the administration was the 1 Judge Brantley said he did not read nrotpptnr nf trnotD rpA t. v. i London, 17.

Gen. Roberts cables to the War. Office from Jacobsdal under to-day's date as follows: Kelly-Kenny yesterday captured seventy-eight wag n'SZ JPZ. Barber tnls owning received the writ of error in the Abbatto case from the clerk of the Court Chancery at Jersey City and at once served it on Sheriff Sell. cDbnald, nine years of age, ifi'Dnnaia.

nine patches, which came and were made public to-day, continued to contain cheering intelligence. They helped to dissipate" the fears entertained earlier as to the whereabouts of Cronje and i i vi ui "k.bi6uchuc, uui wjuarun torn mra iles parents 802 Pine the world has evet' known Would be the was from The Witness stated witn ila mnnpv twin thai i j' f11nva -t ons of stores, two wagons of mausers, the State money? on an -unlawful militia. he' has been Governor the eight boxes of. shells and ten barrels CeJefa0. cVon e's flight executfn the con-penitentiary' oommisiSoners have acted "of besides large quantities lJL n'd March 1st, as the.

toward Bloemfontaln seems an assured wrJt ls Tetnrahfr" i a rntiseciuence 4 wum uc luuuuea xu. vui iuai auuut. ixtttt. time tne papers 8J nrank is very ill. at his through tte operations of the Repubii- in that part of the country created the '1 fnxv have to undergo an can finance bill, which would turn over impression that the-court had a preju- the money, of the people to the control dice against Welllcome.

assured made Dr. Martin ther was no such ftreiudiee. Charlea was given a of the national He read a state-. munition wagons is mgons i is ment showing that the national confer a hard blow, but that Chancellor McGill refused an aht probably dropped so that he solute writ of error In A Khaii'. but insteaa oi 'i these were could move troops to their object! troops to their objective He will mw.h, He said also that the college referred to had a board of trustees of which Clark was president and he was one of the i a The next witness was Senator W.

A. Clark. His testimony was substantial- ence on trusts held at Chicago had adopted resolutions against the bill. Sulzer said that if the' Republicans of Ohio had not turned down leasing a prisoner paraonea, 0y jsecK-ham. Therefore, ft seems that some soft of to the courts await those whopi the State courts of Kentucky will 'declare have acted illegally.

But a general compromise May be effected by. which there will be no' such prosecution. he took a small pipe oi sieei, le of a small nail, tttato the fruit. He then placed with the piece of steel inside. Sfsttt? he ate the apple, but about the presence of the piece Hfj he had Then it Shlrn that he must have more quickly.

Even this sacrifice seemB to have failed as the latest dispatch from Jacobsdal announces that he was pressed so closely by Kitchener and Kelyy-Kenny that hg. had to turn at bay and fight. The battle, presumably, -vc. UCIV1B me Lourt of Errors and Appeals as a matter of right, not grace; If an absolute writ of error had been granted Abbatto would have had the benefit of two appeals The writ would have first gone' to the bupreme Court and if It nn irrnir ineir Drave and honest Attorney Gen- era! Monnett. the Standard Oil Trimt ly as follows, answers beine to aues- is now in progress.

lout thpr It i.M i would now be out of business. The Re- tIons Propounded by publican party had thus become the several of the members of the trust, and he warned them 'that they would hear from it in In the Montana Senatorial the coming campaign, which would end dld not directly or indirectly offer inter he began 'to feel The disquieting new ironv tne iront court of Errors and Aomk a was the capture of a British supply application oes train at Watervaal drift, presumably by "rVo ulrch 6th and .1 a flying Boer commando; the disastrous lLh cnv It I. ot fht nre-an was dis- In the election of that peerless leader. lllDUEai retreat of element rorees to Arunaei, the Molteno -nV rYC' T. -wyer moueno Crandall.

that he will Charles told tf the apple and and the attack Dy tne bomb on RECEPTION AT WESTMONTr Mr. and Mrs. George Atkinson Honor Con- necticut Visitors Notes. and' Atkinson gave an Informal reception at their West-mont residence last evening in honor of Mrs. and Miss Johnson, of Connecticut.

Athough an informal affair there was no lack of -entertainment as most of the guests were yaecomplished musicians or eloctttionijsW. The features of money- to any. man or men or" other valuable consideration to influence them to vote for jne. I know-of no corruption in my interest by any one. There were plenty of rumors of this sort, but they were not true.

For many years have taken a keen and lively interest in Montana politics as a citi executed, stay until Tstay unt, ierireneWe1 esslvenes3.The writ, however, acts as against Gatacre. it is disposed of. w.j. iiryan. Grosvenor replied, saying that Monnett held the office of Attorney General of Ohio twice.

There was an unwritten law in the State against giving any one this office three times. Also, Monnett was not a candidate and had refused to allow his name to be used. He paid a high tribute to the Attorney Boers Hemmed in at Magersfontein. however, it dawned on' his people Scians, who had been called In. jKrtSne else might be the trou- thought that the piece of steel b' 'he boy imbedded itself jrtllowea py nmhahlv near IN THE COURTS.

Supreme Court Justfcn r.ndin London, Feb. 17. A dispatch to the Chronicle, from Jacobsdal, under yesterday's date, says that after the sixth zen, but not until 1898 did I become an active factor In although 'in 1888, when I did not care to have it, Circuit Court Judge Miller sat in chambers at the Court House thin division (Kelly-Kenny's) evacuated Ja- morning, but had absolutely nothing to General -Of the United States Mr. 7 th evenirie were Miss Johnson's per- had broken up the trans- I as formances on the piano ana Morris uu iituteuaj' in uiuci iw auu a.ujuurnca in Bnort order candidate for delegate la Congress. 1 aS' physicians are ih attendance I Roentgen rays will be used in iri.

nl.ati- the foreign matter. north, the Boers reoccupied the place. Missouri and the Joint Traffic Associations. All the existing anti-trust laws, CRIMINAL COURT. Judge Armstrong held a special ses-i sjpn of Criminal Court.

the work of the Re- Ttk located will probably cause he claimed, we: jfctcfcll not iui-" nuhlican nartv. he claimed, were After three hours, however, the Boers were driven out at the point of the bayonet. The dispatch adds that some nf tho T.nhrtftn TmnpHfll Vnlunteprs in x. was tne' nominee or the iaL Democratic caucus for Senator and was amusing selections. There was also voted every but there was no 8'nstg and -more Saying and every-election.

did not seek the nomina- ene enjoyed themselves from beginning tlon. In 1898 a'. number ot my JeiBO-1 to end. Sulzer said the people would never J-, i-. iteller was sentenced to four critic-friends called- unhn me and said 'tne guests were: mis Anna jonnsun, took part in the attack and behaved months In the county jail on the charge like veterans.

embezzling $315, made the Camp- A runs Tnwn dtanatrh savs that the De'1 Preserving Company, bv'whnm h. Boers remaining at Magersfontein are was employed as a salesman. submit to the brutal domination of the gentleman from Ohio or his master, Mark Hanna. Hanha had sold the Republican party body and soul to Wall street, and had forced the passage of the gold bill in order to repay campaign obligations to the national banks, whose was necessary to organize the party and the State against what was called the "Daly power." The' meeting was held at my office' in' and among SIRDAR KITCHENER. General Roberts' Chief-of-Staff, who is hemmed in by Methuen on the south, close on Cronje.s rear.

tnose present were Governor- Hanser; McDermott, A. J. -Campbell' and J. Miss May vBraddock, Miss Tillie McLaughlin, Miss Minnie Latcham, Miss Sadie' Latcham. Miss Anna Atkinson, Miss Anna Atkinson, Miss Edith Clement, Mrs.

Johnson, S. Clement, Mr. and Mre. -C. Edgar Pearson, Morris Atkinson, William -Hozey, Albert Hozey.

Theodore Read. Mrs. Johnson and her daughter Anna, of who have been visiting Mrs. Elizabeth Latcham, will soon leave for home. Miss Johnson made many friends pleading guilty, Keller said he spent the money in the interests of his employers and did not squander a cent of it.

He had to keep a horse and carriage in his business and was put to considerable expense, which had to be met. money had carried the country in 1896. uiiey cm I leu lilt? (juuiiLty iu loav. Roberts On the east and north and MacDonald on the west at Koodoes-berg. French Promoted.

London, Feb. .17. The following has Casaafty Report From the Philippines. Feb. following report was received at the wJltepartment to-day from Gen.

H-39th infantry, Jan. 13, Lipa, IU 8, femes C. Ryan; Feb. 3, Bagbag, wince Batangas, Luzon, Co. Allot Vetrie.

th infantry; Feb. 4, An-Jus, Panay, Co. George H. Schu- 5rd fmBded-Fourth- cavalry, Feb. 7.

lidnltai, Luzon, troop Ross C. sir left hand severe; troop Hor-WN Monroe, thorax, severe, 38th town Jan. 21, Sariava Tiyabas, Lu-L, Reuben C. Hieronymous. xtiii Cannon 111.) made a humorous ent.

The object of meeting of general supplies belonging to Cronje's laager, which was being shelled when Kitchener dispatched the -that, was to consider plans--of organization. Many, of us at that time thought the politics messenger. been Dosted at the War Office; "The ana John White, colored of Montana- had been -a little wildl as This is the first intimation of Gen. rinaan annrnir.i. the nrnmnUrm of bOVS.

Were arraisrnod fnr h.on!rH Kitchener's whereabouts. From the Tai.T.iATitBnnnt fimpral entering, 'preferred hv v.mii TWfi. tne iaiy people naa entered into rusion i do speech, in which he expressed mock sympathy wtth Sulzer's alleged candidacy for the Vice Presidency, but suggested that "A little public business should be done la order to fool the people." The reading of the bill was then resumed. THE BEER DISAPPEARED' schemes with Populists and silver Re- "clc rillhllrann. wlntari a utrnicht.mit 1 Partur e.

French to be Major General, and of s. T. Miss KeDecca tw.ti: neeve nas en ior Democratic party. Through that fusion Pa to vist Miss Anna Ftalv had nntrnl1od tn Rtot- fjapcasier, ir lv Daly had controlled the Our above disuatch it appears the Sirdar himself is after Cronje, and wijl probably be the General to lead the British against him in battle. This confirms the report that Cronje is retreating on Bloemfontein.

COSTLY SACRIFICE. Ridgway. aaugnter oi rtev. w. rs.

Lieutenant Colonel Kekewich to be Colonel for services in connection with the defense and relief of Kimberley." The War Office posts the casualties sustained In the skirmishing before 1 Jacobsdal as one killed fourteen wound Ridgway. Liberty Park, but their trial went over to secure There are four of the White boys altogether and "all -were arrested on the charge, but were dismissed for lack of evidence. John Smith and Fred Grenk, the Philadelphia youths arrested for robbing the bicycle repair shop of William J. at Lawnside, and committing other dejpredations down the county, pleaded not guilty and after lvii. idea was to have Democrats rule-, and break up one man power in Montana; I agreed to assist financially to furnish the funds if the others would undertake the work of organization.

I was Two Boys Are Arrested and the Recorder Cracks a Joke. iA taign, severe; 2Q inumry, ua.ii. i i Dinalupijan, Luzon, Co, Claude llfttrwn, right hand moderate; 33d I aattr, Jan. 24, Doninglay, Luzon, I iRpsnt Major Robert E. "Welson, riW gluteal region, slight.

ed and three captured. Captain Samuel Fisher, of Fisher's Guards, had Walter Chambers and Wtl too busy to give my time to this work. Courier Canvassers. The people of this city are now being called upon by vassers in the interest of the London's View of the Evacuation of Renes- berg. London, Feb." 17.

It may be several liam Ringgold arrested yesterday for When the meeting referred to was held Buller Re-Attack Vaalkrantz. London, Feb. 17. The Evening News prints a Lorenzo Marques -dispatch mi 0, Declares a Dividend. Messrs.

Hanser and Neill incidentally breaking into the barracks of the com nesses nao: been heard. Judge strong remanded them back to suggested my candidacy for the Scna pany at Arm and Chestnut streets, on" Set Tork, Feb. 17. The directors of rf lindl tn- dava date which savs the days before Jjngland -more derm' "Daily Courier. nncLymji ate, It fv He news from GeceraJ rt that the British, are re- further investigation it JSrtWirtitt twday declare Tuesday ihrima''liWlii of bw bat I had not determined to I uesa-annual dividend of two per cent.

valued at 120." Both "defendants swore become a candidate. What We -were se is preferred stock. Unusual inter--! they "didn't swipe de but that then doing was to feel the pulse of the sisttached to this, as it is the first to "Corporal1 Frldgett gave it them in voters with a view of wresting control Field Marshal iiaa demonstrated in the attacking Vaalkrantz. 'The 'on "the DISTRICT CbURT past that he, does not cable probabilities north bank of the Tugela which Gen i r. v.

in tne. uistnct oi rt ioa vj or hopes, but If the evacuation iJUller evacuatea mat ee wirr. wxu aftemnnn iiidn.AV r.vintr ht failine to hold lt. The dis- aftern.fn- Judgment was giv if aetiarea since tne reorganization oi oucKet. i lie v-oipumi vim oj im Dime irom ira cumunmuuii tl oimpany, which begun with the dantsthe Recorder, and ne maae tne ae- Jatch adds that the Boers are holding (n of Master vs.

White. fendants flglt somewhat, when he first their own. I wotatment of receivers in February 'i3l Inder the Qld management, be- of Rensberg by the British wag part of a plan to advance Roberts toward Bloemfontein, as has been stated, it was a costly sacrifice. The British retreat was a rout- A. patrol of the Inniskilling regiment was surrounded and had to tentioir and- coartitay to.

is askd- and your patronage to the largest and best newspaper in this city solicited. No advance payments are required and no sum or sums of money on account of subscriptions are to ie paid to anybody except the accredited carriers of the "Courier," who regularly serve the paper and collect a week for Its delivery. Pay moneys only to them, otherwise the "Courier" will not be responsible. I distinctly, announced that my name should not be used in connection with the Senatorshlp until we had succeeded in our main object. I thought then, as I think now, that Daly's power had been unlawfully and selfishly used.

I did not determine to become a candidate until after the election in November, 1898. During 1898 I subscribes the following amounts to the Democratic campaign fund: August, to defray expenses of the State Convention, tn October, in November, $40,000. These subscriptions were given after my friends and co-workers made their estimates of the funds needed to pay In the case of Simpson vs. Wilts, tried this morning, judgment rendered for the plaintiff, who was repre-' senfed by Lawyer Florence G. Toram, after a hard fight Lawyer Howard L.

Miller appeared for the defendant "courieIt wFreTets. Captain Peter A. Rearlck, V. H. who has been on duty since 1896 at the Norfolk Navy Yard as senior Inspector of machinery, was to-day retired with Boers Leaving Spyfonteln.

Jacobsdal, Feb. 16 (Delayed). The British casualties In the unsuccessful attempt to defend the convoy atWater-vaal drift were one killed and thirty wounded. The Boers are reported to be leaving Snvfontein, on the railroad, some miles below Modder rivet, and are said to be moving in a northwesterly direction. Battle With Cronje Impending.

said he saw them in tne place. Arter-wards, however, he said he only saw one and that was Ringgold. Chambers came in afterwards. He said he had treated them from a bucket. Ringgold and, Chambers said they were, members of the Klondike Club and had "all de beer dey wanted and didn't hev 't steal it." "Klondike Club?" asked the Recorder.

"Do they have that club to keep the factions cool in the Seventh ward?" The Recorder also wanted to know If it was not possible for some of Cap. Fisher's company to become dry end t'-'iir .11. lUDUlvclluJ', fniu high as ten per cent, on Its com-m stock during the period from 1881 Nep Troops Assault a Jail. I Puso, Feb. 16.

Negro troops from Jort Bliss have assaulted the Jail here Ii Hi effort to rescue two comrades ire confined there. A number i( ihota were exchanged, and it is claimed one officer and one soldier ere killed. A posse has been formed to combat the soldiers, and a serious tiah ii threatened. Presirfent Invited to a Banquet Wuhtegton, Feb. 17.

President Mc-Enftj was invited to-day to atteml Jacobsdal, Feb. 17. Gen. Kelly-Ken- 'the rank of Rear Admiral, Junior rank He was appointed from the District of ny overtook Gen. Cronje's rear guard workers, printing bills, and to get men tn ho nlapf.

cif reclsttratinn nprfeotiv Dog Refused to Die. Policeman Howard MacPherson ran up against a mad "board yarder" at drink the beer. "No, sir, I'll Fisher. vouch for that," said legitimate expenses in a heated cam this morning. A hattie is impenaing.

The Boers had to stop to save their transport. Boers Attack Molteno. Columbia in 1860. Frank E. Stone, alias Edward Dunne, an attorney, was arrested in New Orleans last night charged with being interested In the Security Savings Society in Chicago.

Warrants for the arrest of the promoters were issued -on There was not sufficient evidence against the- defendants and. the case paign and customary in most States where there is party l.waa In Butte when the Legislature convened, and went to Helena January 4. 1S99; took rooms at the hotel; met many members of the Legislature every was dismissed. Sterksstrohv Feb. 17.The Boers at 4-n nti-nYi TWnl rAnn rilo mnrnln ft tor lr, owquet May 1st, at the iitoria, New York, given by the ftaal Society of the Sons of the Amerl- NEXT WEEK AT THE DEWEY.

etrom is the headquarters of Gen. Gat- Thursday night, one of their clients claiming that they had Jumped the lat acre. Molteno ls aDout twenty mnes north of Sterkstrom, and is situated at the Junction of the main line run ter city with between $150,000 and belonging to other people. Frank. Jones, Cotton and a Number of Good day while the contest lasted, and was noim, jubB, confident of success after my talks with Acts.

those members. Whiteside came-to my reside the clever comedian, Frank room one morning and said: have a KevQlutlon. He told Col. L. C.

Hopkins, of New York, who delivered uk limitation, that he would attend Ktecould. Ninth and Cedar streets, yesterday, that simply positively refused to die at his hands. Howard emptied his revolver into the dog but the cur still lived. Then he took his club to the animal and pounded its head terrifically with the baton, but Mr. Dog, still declined to croak.

Then along came Fireman Stewart Bakely, who put some hot shot in the mongrel's neck and the canine keeled over a corpse. Pulmonary consumption is a dread disease, but most of those who think they have it, really suffer from bronchitis, and bronchitis Jayne's Expectorant will cure. ning north to Bethulie and the branch in "Our City and Country good news for you. I have finally in nniuini" at. the Dewey Theatre next duced Senator Anderson to vote for line running west to jvauuwpoort.

Boers Active at Bras Pan. Orange River, Feb. 16 (Delayed). week, there will also be Cotton and his you." I was glad of this and thanked famous donWey and a number of other Whiteside for the interest manifested Local Forecast of the Weather. Forecast till 8 p.

m. Sunday Snow, followed to-night by clearing and much colder; strong northeasterly, shifting to northwesterly winds. Sunday fair and very cold. The Boers are endeavoring to interrupt in my behalf. That was all.

I said, novel acts. 'Frank Jones, who will head the British line of communication at was the only member of which he spoke. I did not, as haa been charged, tell Whiteside that Senator Anderson could Gras Pan on the railroad above here. A strong detachment of troops with an armored is protecting the line. not.

like some other legislators, be? in MAN AND WIFE. See Changes as They Change. To sweeten sour human nature, one of Daughter's Kiss Causes a Fire. New Brunswick, N. Feb.

17 A good night kiss was the cause of a fire In the CABLE CULLINGS. M. Decrais, French Minister of Colon- the bill, supported by a strong company, Is the celebrated Frank Jones, of Si Perkins fame, and for a number of years before going into vaudeville starred in his own company. The Dewey Stock Company is also preparing one of the best farces they have yet presented, in which popular Billy Angeroth will-be seen In the leading comedy role. Trolley Line Through New Jersey KELLY-KENNY fluenced by money.

After my election I returned to Butte, leaving my son at Helena with instructions to pay all bills at the hotel and in the city that were contracted. As well as I remember ha ies. to-day received a cablegram saying Who captured large amount of supplies in Pursuit 'of Cronje's Retreating army. For troublesome toothaches, use Para-t Toothache Wax, 10c, at drugglsts.f Dr. William Lamb Dead, Jto.

wniiam Wallace Lamb, one of the known surgeons in Philadelphia. at Ms home, 1247 East Columbia iw, yesterday, at the ago of fifty Wff paralysis. He was born in "ckwood, this county. Early in 1864 was appointed Assistant Surgeon in Eighth New Jersey Volunteer with it until the close "lie war, Say, Don't Forget Dosrt foraret the sour krout supper wu entertainment to be given at the LV- c- A- the motive Jf department committee at their corner Third and Bridge ave-n. Slden Tuesday evening.

Feb-a in SuPPer from I until 8 p. welcome. Tickets cents. Read and Think. Rnrei 4nM.t naid about $20,000 may have, been $20, house of Albert Wright here last night.

Wright was reclining on a couch when his daughter on her way to bed with a lighted candle, stooped over to kiss him good night. She stumbled over a dog I 600 some such amount. I will fur that the miners' strike in the Island of Martinque was ended. I Mayor Joslah Quincy, of Boston, was I married to-day at St. George's Church, London, to Mrs.

Ellen Tyler, widow of a former Boston merchant. Ambassai nish the committee the. exact figures. These bills were Incidental to a contest, New Brunswick, N.J., Feb. 17.

Three and the candle set tne coucn on nre. cut tts way out 0ne company of the Wright hands werejsadly burned. Wiltshire regiment, who were on out- trollev companies! the New Brunswick 1 and were chiefly for entertaining, etc. At the afternoon session senator post duty, were cut off in the retreat tne best methods is to leave off coffee if it gives you dyspepsia or makes you nervous. "I asked husband this morning U1 write out a testimonial for the Postum, Cereal and from it I quote, I an pleased to be able to state that my wif has been cured of sick headaches an7d "general cussedness" by leaving off co(, fee and using your Postum Food Cofftm My home is now a happy "I am forced to admit bis joke contains more than a modicum of truth, for I find now I have complete control of my nerves, while formerly I was often 1 Lbst Boy at City Hall.

Clark again took the stand. His chief There Is a lost boy, at the City Hall, attorney, ex-senator jcauiKner, asxea him questions bearing on testimony given by witnesses for the prosecution, and to each and every charge made dor Choate and family were among those present at the ceremony. "THE COUrTeR'S" CAMERA, Samuel B. Easton, the hustling manager of the old Camden base ball club, is quite ill but with his characteristic stamina is holding his own. i i i I and have not since reportea at Arunaai.

They are probably prisoners. A Pretoria dispatch, dated February 15, says the British lost sixty killed and wounded and eighty captured at Colesberg on I February 13. According to late dispatches, the Boers followed up theilr successes, and City Railway, tne urunswicn iracuuii and the New York and Philadelphia Traction Company, combined wtth the Middlesex and Somerset Traction Company to-day. The combined companies will effect a cdrhplete line from one end of the State to the other. The company's officers are: Gottfried Andrew Jtadel.

vice president; E. H. Radel, secretary. who gives his name as Philip Carron, and ls about eight years old. He ls supposed.

to be from Philadelphia, but can give no account of himself or his wanderings. Decided -bargains in Cape- and- jCoat-Department; special reductions in by his opponents Mr. ciark enterea emphatic denials. "That Is false," he would say, or "not. a word of truth in Superintendent Stewart, of the Cam- ana it." The lawyers every w-and --then have brought tlhelr guns up to Atundal, er- and-Fhlladetphia-Ferry 3empany.

been entirely cured of insomnia br leav- irruuuie, my nusoana mmsejr nas shell had a spat, ana nrst one ana men tne other had to be "smothered out" by was attacked with vertigo in Philadelphia this morning. Nothing serious Is lng off coffee and taking up Postum. He sleeps now like, a baby, from the the new British base, and opened fire on the British. Unless there are more British troops Judge Armstrong to Dine Officers. Judge Armstrong has Invited the Board of Directors of the North Camden Building and Loan to Ladies' Kersey Jackets; Varney's.

Guess the Weight Large hog to be killed Washington's mpmbers of the committee. No Axes in the vicinity than those under General Clements at Arundel. Naauwpoort, time he goes to bed until and perhaps his improvement is partly a reason for his seeing such an improvement in me. At any rate, our old sickness and troubles have disappeared. anticipated.

1 Ed. Schlorer invites all good guessers, 1 in fact everybody, to visit his place of business, Eighth and Chestnut, Washington's Birthday, Thursday next to- den county and try to guess his few miles south of the latter place, is To rrlnd: none to pay for." Therefore. take dinner wttn nim ai dib nume vn Biirdaw ovenlnir. February 24th, In j. 1tnr rirlroo fnr ha mAal ilaol Birthday can be seen anytime after Friday at Ed.

Schlorer's, Eighth and Chestnut. Ten cents a guess; nearest guess wins; winner gets all receipts. seriously threatened and Clements mm e'f Is in danger of being surrounded. honor of the twentieth anniversary of Rble Bewlng machine. Call or address I had tried everything for my sick Imw 8 male on year8' experiehce and comvny the Ua Jery machine sold by anger Mfg.

Federal street, faH1LWctloni Colored Petticoats; rJS? Italian cloth; new arney'B UP n4 down town h0UM na flecoratit* 427 Federal street, Camden. yi" Wall Papers, 123 ai tindertaker and South Third street o.oriatinn. in Novemoer or weight 1 headaches, but as long as I stuck to the D. H. agent, ia I'eaerai street, A Naauwpoort dispatch received at Cape Town on Thursday says that the Boers are reportea to nave occupiea Stay In Camden, Asrreat many people think they must Miss Retta Cramer, the accomplished High School student Is engaged in the very laudable work of securing subscriptions to procure a set of artificials for Ted Merrick, the popular ex-Jockey who lost his legs last year by being run over by a locomotive.

This morning Miss Cramer braved the snow and made the rounds of the county offices cofree the headaches stuck to me. It took us a little while to learn that no must follow the directions In Postum, in order to obtain a realiy palatable, delicious beverage. Peopis must get over the Idea that they make it in any kind of a slipshod and have it good. The great element in making good Postum is to allow it the association was started and Judge Armstrong was not only an incorpora-tor but for a brief time its secretary. Pta coal a specialty.

6 Millers, 428 So. Fifth street Jacob Sprained His Ankle. Night W'atchman John Jacobs fell at Fourth and Mlckle streets at an early go to Philadelphia to gpt tea or coffee. They will change their minds after trying W. Heritage fine blend.

417 Kaighn avenue. position a few miles from tnat town. YE COLONIAL ENTERTAIN-flENT and Washington Celebration, First Baptist Church, Feb. aand. 1 Do Yob Need Motley? Trust funds to loan oh first mortgage.

Camden. Cash or i Hits the Spot I An Z-Ray at Sullivan's, E29 Federal street. Does it proper. The' biggest stock of Hosiery In the city; values best and prices lowest; some special bargaiM Just now. Ver-ney's up and down town stores.

A large amount of trust money to loan on mortgage. Address Box "5," Courier office. Miss Aggie Bowers, of New ork. is spending a few days with Miss Mae Osborne, of Kaighn avenue. with substantial results.

plenty of time to boll. That is certainly simple enough, and when the cook be Address Box BRIEF CITY NOTES. I comes accustomed to makinar Postum. hour this mornigg ana apmiu ankle. The patrol wagon first took him to Cooper Hospital for treatment, then The political fight In the Second ward; one can depend Hipon a regular quality GEORGE has ended in tne itepuoncan ranKs.

'j Fruen's Delicious Whole Bread. Contains all the nourishing properties in the richest wheat grown. Including Piic-ewoT to A. RrrvoiPH, 8. W.

Cor. 4th and Market St. FnUrnMw fur ihl for CATERING Id all Peter F. Hill has withdrawn as Judge of the Fifth precinct In favor of Charles Worthlngton and George- Raum has withdrawn as a candidate for Justice Itii hntrw-hp. Weddlnim, htinniieTft and Prt- vri Inrtv Bank D'she.

bilverw and Ranted a Boy; "ad Fifty Calls 'E FOLLOWlNfj RECEIVED Tier COt'IER ADVER. IISCR EXPLAINS ITSELF: Please take out "my ad, for I-had about W. H. TRITES, Grocer. of the Peace.

Ornaments. I Know people wno seem to he sr to drink coffee, with no bad i on the sther hand, I know that probably one-half of all my friends are more or less unpleasantly affected with when they persist In using it, but return has obtained a strong hold si" i its qualities have become known, a-ui great many of our friends are users of Postum In place of coffee, and you may be sure evei -ily that has used Postum for even rw month will be ready" to testify to t) improvement In health. Special Weather Bulletin. Washington, Feb. 17.

The' weather MONEY TO YE COLONIAL ENTERTAIN-nENT and Washington First Baptist Church, Feb. removed him to ms reoiucuvc, -v SU John street. Wapptes Taken to Treston.v Sheriff John W. Sell. Court House Janitor Joseph Burt, this morning took upto Trenton Ernest pie.

George Murray. Francis HiU and Charles Hewitt, sentenced to various terms in the State Prison, A Kohlenbergs Coal and Wood. Pest qunllty Lehigh Coal, egg stovs and nut $5.00 per ton; mixed $4 00; pea or No. I nut. $3 kindling wood.

tlM Pr rsrt losd. S.Vf. Kohlen-bert River Front btwrrri Fourth and or 419 North Frort 8t- recrf prompt ttmlon. JOHN O. WILSON, Attorney jO-Ijiw.

"1 rk feu, Cmdetu bureau announces that during the next twenty-four hours the Atlantie coast storm WU move northwestward, and high northeasterly winds in the North Atlantie States. In the Middle Atlantic States its passage will all the Important bran part, excepting the indigestible woody hull. HAS NO EQUAL AS A NOURISHER OF NERVE. BRAIN AND MUSCLE. Ask your physician about it Made and served in all parts of Camden bv Wm.

C. Davis, 614 Berkley st, and 411 South Sixth st. NOTrrue'Whel KTeaf that i 10 Ik. tag can bt had of T. I.

G.floril, Third and Fidtral fi and Broadway nd Btrkkf ttt. Camdtn, H. J. NONE CENUINE WITHOUT LABEL ON LCAF. be followed by during and much Oi -ifirllr colder weather, with strong northeasterly, shiftinpr to northwesterly winds.

Along the New EnRlaad snow nd llcht northea-itwry winds are indicated, t'n the Middle Atlantic A Flesh-Waker. Mr, Fsul Orillo. the popular shoemaker, of 62 North PiK-ond st Carnden, snys: "McLauKhltn's Egg Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is a flesh maker. I about pounds a week. 75c, per i bottle.

At rictawghHn' Hrwar Store, p'yTHiidnring wed-' "If you should publish this -please suppress my name, a I i horror of undue notorle-ty. If snv will take the trouble to writ my name and address, I answer any thst asked, and furnish satifactr to suhetantmte my sun-i ,7 Mrs. (. London, Ca OLD ARMORT. Wt and Mlckle.

coat, snow end men northeasterly Championship GJB- Pat. Feb. 17, FITHIAN S. SIMMONS, UNDERTAKER. r--- SC3 KifM St.

fat hct.it 3I a hun- a fo incuts wlnrts wlil (h followed ov clearing aid much cot. lor anl winds shift- CAHDEN vs. NOW YORK. I in(i ta northwesterly.

Evening Courier from Camden, New Jersey (2024)


Who owns Courier Post NJ? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

How do I contact the Courier Post in New Jersey? ›

The mailing address is The Courier-Post, P.O. Box 5300, Cherry Hill, NJ, 08034. For customer service and home-delivery, call (800) 677-6289. For all other questions, call our office at (856) 663-6000.

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Our three delivery brands - NZ Post, CourierPost and Pace – have become one, with a fresh look and feel to match! You'll also notice simplification of our product names and services, making it easier to explore our offerings.

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The Courier-Mail is an Australian newspaper published in Brisbane. Owned by News Corp Australia, it is published daily from Monday to Saturday in tabloid format.

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The paper is majority owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. The Post-Courier's readership is mainly urban, and it is considered to be influential in the community.

Who owns the Record courier newspaper? ›

It is published by Gannett of Tysons Corner, Virginia, after having previously been owned by Dix Communications of Kent and Wooster, Ohio, until 2017.

Who owns courier Media? ›

Jeff Taylor is the founder and publisher of Courier and believes his brand can help people be better and do better when it comes to business. In fact, so much so that Courier caught the eye of Mailchimp, an all-in-one marketing platform for small businesses, that acquired Jeff's company in 2020.

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Our History

In July 1990, William "Bill" Messerly acquired ownership. Bill and his sons, Jack and Jim, quickly established a clear, unified vision for the company: to provide superior service at a fair market price.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.